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Todo List
Class AudioMenu
Priority: Low. Add audio, maybe Dilbert2 theme performed by Seth and Kendall.
Member Building::Building (int x, int y, int _height, int _width)
Once seth figures out the whole depth thing, add a number of floors
Member Character::inventory_size
Implement this so that character's cannot carry more than their inventory.
Member Character::moral
Make this an enum.
Member Chunk::build_chunk_with_dungeons ()
this documentation
Member Chunk::Chunk ()
check if this can be empty.
Member Chunk::deserialize (string file_name)
does this have to be dynamically allocated?
Member Chunk::get_items (int depth)
should this return a reference instead of a pointer?
Member Chunk::get_world_loc () const
Just use an IntPoint to store world location in general.
the chunk's location on the world map
Member ChunkLayer::down_stair
these should be gone in a few commits.
Member ChunkLayer::get_equipment ()
return a reference so we don't have to copy
Member ChunkLayer::get_items ()
why a pointer and not a reference? There could be a legit reason. -Seth
Member ChunkLayer::get_weapons ()
return a reference so we don't have to copy
Member ChunkLayer::make_spawner (int depth)
should go in dungeon gen
Member ChunkLayer::make_stairs (bool has_layer_below)
This should be in dungeon generation.
Member ChunkLayer::num_rooms
figure out what to do with this.
Member ChunkLayer::swap (const ChunkLayer &l)
this is weird as balls
Member dungeon_builder::edges_collide_with_something (Room &r, const dungeon_meta &dm)
maybe use a bitset here.
Member Enemy::generate_equipment (std::vector< EquipType > equipment_list)
Make the enemy equip the items.
equipment_listA list of possible equipment that the enemy can have.
A list of equipment that the enemy does have.
Member Enemy::generate_weapon (std::vector< WeaponType >)

Make the enemy equip the weapon.

Posbbily make this multiple weapons and have it pick the best one.

weapon_listA list of possible weapons that the enemy can have.
The weapon that the enemy has.
Member Enemy::passive_ai (TilePointerMatrix &surroundings, IntPoint sur_chunk, IntPoint sur_coords, std::vector< Character * > char_list, long delta_ms)
Make them find a food source and move toward that.
See also
Member Enemy::turn (IntPoint coords)
Implement a max turn amount.
Member EquipType::body_part
Put this in an enum.
Member EquipType::type
Put this in an enum.
Class FontMenu
Separate the font and the character set.
Member Game::get_item (Character *)

Make this take in a character so that other characters can call it?

Add a check if the inventory is full

Member GUI::OnEvent (SDL_Event *Event)

find a better way to do key input; currently we're using polling, which feels really weird if you press a key in-between frames.

Clean this up so it's actually readable code.

Member Item::perform_action ()=0
Do something with this.
Member MapTile::does_spawn
Change this so that it is a list of the mobs to spawn
Member Menu::border
Make this an actual border.
Member Settlement::agriculture
Implement this, as NPCs don't exist yet.
Member WeaponType::range
Make this do something.
Member WeaponType::type
Put this in an enum.